Welcome Along on My Journey -- Please Enjoy & Come Back Again

Welcome and enjoy. To look at any painting or photo please double click on the picture to take a closer look and if you'd like to purchase please email me at joanne@neelygomez.com

I welcome your comments and hope that as we journey together you will find, as I do, that it's more fun making a journey along with others and with each new work or adventure there is also growth and expansion. Come back again soon.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"The Lewandowski Children" Drawings of a Special Family

"The Lewandowski Children"
Yesterday, November 1st, I went thru some old pictures and found one of three special, beautiful children of dear friends of mine and remembered that I've always wanted to try and capture their happy, glowing, loving spirits.  I'm happy with most of the drawing altho wanted to really capture the middle child's joy at life which I didn't feel like I totally did.  Still I'm happy with the overall drawings and am realizing that, yes, my drawing is improving as I draw and use my creative abilities more and daily if I can.

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