Welcome Along on My Journey -- Please Enjoy & Come Back Again

Welcome and enjoy. To look at any painting or photo please double click on the picture to take a closer look and if you'd like to purchase please email me at joanne@neelygomez.com

I welcome your comments and hope that as we journey together you will find, as I do, that it's more fun making a journey along with others and with each new work or adventure there is also growth and expansion. Come back again soon.

Monday, July 18, 2016

June and July 2016 Update

Wow, seems like a lot has happened since my last blog post on May 30th. Essence Gallery and
Boutique in Old Town Albuquerque owner Jillian Maresco has decided to close her gallery and not renew her lease as of August. It is a beautiful gallery just off the plaza in Old Town and I have been exceedingly happy with the representation and work Jillian has done in representing me and my art for the past year. The last opening and featured artist was Robyn Wellman for this month of July and I loved gathering with other artists and friends of the gallery the beginning of the month and even bought one of Robyn's beautiful paintings (shown here to the right).

Paintings I've been working on I will post photos of, some finished
and some still in the process. First I'll post those that are finished. We have had some of the most awesome sunsets and storms in these past couple of months which have helped me to have quite a bit of resource material and photos to choose from along with creative ideas coming straight out of my head onto my canvas. I reevaluated some recent paintings and reworked a couple shown here to the right of a sunrise and to the left of the Valles Caldera. Lastly I finished a very small gallery wrapped canvas of a landscape scene that came from my head, photo posted to the right.

I have been painting more original paintings and am a little behind on my "Let's Paint New Mexico" paintings for this year's challenges although here is one to the right I did finish. Unlike most of my more realistic paintings, I had some fun with this challenge painting going from abstract to what my husband commented looked a little outer spacey (smile).

I mentioned in my previous post that I am painting a small study in preparation for painting a larger triptych for my cousin and his wife in Arizona of a Cancun sunset they experienced while there. Even this smaller study oil painting is still a work in progress though I'll post the latest photo of it here to the left. I have not painted on the larger triptych which I primed earlier in the month though plan to start on that toward the end of July beginning of August.

The painting I am currently working on is also a work in progress. It is a larger oil painting with the initial painting photo to the left and the current oil on my easel still in progress photo is to the right.

I am so grateful to live in such a beautiful place and have so many reference photos of the amazing sunsets, storms, landscape and most recently because of Essence Gallery and Boutique closing I took quite a few photos of Old Town Albuquerque that I'm certain will become some paintings in the future.

I will be picking up my paintings from Essence next week and wish Jillian all the best with any new venture coming her way. It has been an honor and privilege to have her represent me and my art and I have been continually amazed at her energy and work ethic. To the left is my "Bosque Cranes" oil painting on 10"x8" canvas that was sold most recently from Essence. Lastly I'll post a photo collage of the paintings still at Essence this week, if interested in any you only have a week to buy them in Old Town as if they are not sold I will be bringing them home for now until I decide when and where I might be showing my work in another gallery.

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