Welcome Along on My Journey -- Please Enjoy & Come Back Again

Welcome and enjoy. To look at any painting or photo please double click on the picture to take a closer look and if you'd like to purchase please email me at joanne@neelygomez.com

I welcome your comments and hope that as we journey together you will find, as I do, that it's more fun making a journey along with others and with each new work or adventure there is also growth and expansion. Come back again soon.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Need Better Photos though Posting Quickly

"Jemez Rocks Red"
Yes, I do know I need better photos though these were taken with my IPhone hurriedly to post quickly the art I've been doing the past few days.  To the left is a 4"x6" acrylic with Sharpie pen painting on wood block I did last Friday.

Saturday was a busy day filled with lots of friends, a picnic with bake sale (which I was in charge of) and games.  Loads of fun and a great beginning to the summer.

"Summery Chimayo"
To the right is a fun little 8 1/2"x11" pastel I drew yesterday while resting after my 30 minute treadmill walk and catching up with old tv show (I began watching it while walking and wanted to finish the episode).  This drawing strictly for fun and just to do something creative.

Still got my thinking cap on for a "summer theme" 8x10" painting for the New Mexico Art League and am on a bit of a deadline (has to be finished, framed and ready to hang by June 20th).

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