Welcome Along on My Journey -- Please Enjoy & Come Back Again

Welcome and enjoy. To look at any painting or photo please double click on the picture to take a closer look and if you'd like to purchase please email me at joanne@neelygomez.com

I welcome your comments and hope that as we journey together you will find, as I do, that it's more fun making a journey along with others and with each new work or adventure there is also growth and expansion. Come back again soon.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Saying Goodbye to 2016 and Welcoming in 2017

Early in December we visited Winter Spanish Market in Albuquerque. We also visited Old Town and Albuquerque Museum to see the Mabel Dodge Lujan & Company exhibit. We went to the opening of artist and friend Barbara Clark's new gallery "Corrales Fine Arts". Mostly we stayed home and enjoyed decorating our home, watching old movies, visiting with friends and the closing out of 2016.

As a participating artist with "Let's Paint New Mexico" I received the first "Challenge Painting" for 2017 and to the right is my submission. It is "Last Colors of Fall" oil painting on 8"x10" canvas panel. You can visit the "Let's Paint New Mexico" website online to view all of the submissions. We have received our second "Challenge" and I will be making a submission for that in a few days after I complete cleaning and reorganizing my art studio.

2017 will be a year with more focus on my art and painting as I finish up a couple of commitments for a non profit organization and update and make changes to my online artist presence. My husband and I are looking forward to more relaxing day trips and vacations gathering resource material for my painting and his creative enterprises. Here we were in December enjoying
some relaxing time out and about. We're both excited and happy to ring in 2017 healthy and inspired by all the art and beauty around us. Here was our view from the Open Space yesterday in Albuquerque, too bad most of the Sandhill Cranes were not here when we visited though we enjoyed the beautiful weather in the 60's before the storm that is coming with colder temperatures and snow and rain.