Welcome Along on My Journey -- Please Enjoy & Come Back Again

Welcome and enjoy. To look at any painting or photo please double click on the picture to take a closer look and if you'd like to purchase please email me at joanne@neelygomez.com

I welcome your comments and hope that as we journey together you will find, as I do, that it's more fun making a journey along with others and with each new work or adventure there is also growth and expansion. Come back again soon.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Transitioning to Change and Reenergizing

I made a trip to El Paso, Texas with girlfriends the week before Memorial weekend and returning home Sunday heard a tornado was in the area of my mom in Oklahoma.  Luckily it took a turn a little bit north and she called to tell me she had gone to a storm cellar and safe though shaken. Monday the tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma had me on pins and needles again having an aunt and cousin with family who live there and also family all over Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and other states affected by bad weather. Happy to hear that though some damage to vehicles from hail everyone in my family were safe with no other damage.

Blue Grosbeak
Making changes to my schedule and routine have
helped me to take better care of myself. I'm getting up early with my hubby, enjoying our yard, our time in the morning to sit on our back patio with coffee and conversation and enjoy the birds and life going on in our backyard after a treadmill walk. This may seem trivial to some though after a traffic accident last year getting back into a regular exercise routine has been harder than I'd imagined it would be and adjusting my schedule throws off my creative schedule also.

"Jemez Cholla"
Acrylic with Silver Pen
on 11"x14" Wood Panel
Happily last night I found myself back in my art studio painting late into the night.  I am still in the midst of quite a few ongoing art projects but waiting for a shipment from Dick Blick to finish those. So ... here is my latest creative burst of energy I finished early this morning.  I call it "Jemez Cholla" and it is a bit different than my usual paintings in that I wanted to accentuate the cholla in the foreground and used some silver pen embellishment as well as highlighting colors to give some dimension.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Quick Drive to Jemez Mountains and Momentary Delay to Ongoing Projects

We made a short trip driving up to the Jemez
Mountains a few days ago, what a great break in routine and revitalizer for me ALWAYS. Here are some of the pictures taken during that trip.

Finished and delivered one birdhouse love gift for a friend and one friendship recipe plaque and ran out of my usual BLAIR retouch varnish for last finishing spray so went shopping locally. I couldn't find the BLAIR and got another brand of retouch varnish spray and so dissappointed after spraying it that all the Sharpie pen writing smeared. Had to repaint much of it and put all of my ongoing projects on hold until I could find what I always use.  Went on Twitter and sent tweets to a few art supply companies with only Dick Blick responding and quickly that they have the exact thing I need in stock.  I just LOVE Dick Blick art supplies and once again am amazed and grateful for their wonderful customer service, inventory and attention to detail.  I WILL be ordering from them and finish the ongoing projects in another couple of weeks.

This may give me the break from these ongoing projects to do some oil, acrylic and/or watercolor painting in the meantime. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day - Catching Up

Finished one birdhouse for a friend and delivered it to her yesterday. So happy that she loved it and the fact it has her kids pics on the sides.  I am not the best at portrait work though I thought they came out pretty good. I will post some pics of that first.

Also happy I could deliver it before Mother's Day and though some parts didn't come out as well as I would've liked, it is what it is and a gift of love from my heart to a dear friend who has been through alot.

Next a picture of the pretty little bicycle plant holder with flower and plant my hubby sent me for Mother's Day, I just love it!

The last pictures are of various birds we enjoyed watching this morning in our backyard.  My favorites of the photos really is the robin bathing in our backyard fountain.  He seems to so enjoy splashing about and I'm so grateful I grabbed my camera to take the pictures.  The raven that comes arrived this morning with SOMETHING and we later saw a tail hanging out of the side of his mouth so apparently a lizard ... poor little guy though that is nature for you!  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Enjoying the Beauty of Nature and Ongoing Creative Projects

Green Tailed Towhee
After recuperating from our quick trip to Arizona meeting our daughter and spending some family time together I've been totally enjoying the beginning of spring in New Mexico and specifically some bird watching and flower planting in our backyard.

Finches on Thistle Feeder
Full of Hummers
Here are some pictures of some of the birds in our backyard that have been very entertaining this past week.

Oriole (female)
Oriole (male)
It's amazing to me how it seems I barely have placed the hummingbird feeders and look out to see swarms of hummingbirds appearing from
seemingly nowhere.
Almost Finished 
Mr. Hawk
I have nine projects ongoing currently and think from looking at the pictures above you will be able to see where my inspiration comes from for the items I place on the birdhouses that I individualize and give as love gifts to friends.  The one pictured here is almost complete and five other projects are about half way finished.  I love being busy and able to create and give some of those gifts that God has greatly blessed me with. Come back soon to see my progress and until then I hope you have enjoyed your visit.